Ultimate9 Codebreaker 4 Mode OBD2 Computer - CB002
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Ultimate9 Codebreaker 4 Mode OBD2 Computer - CB002
Featuring 4 modes, Codebreaker 4-Mode ODB2 Computer allows you to further investigate the inner workings of your vehicle’s Engine Control Unit (ECU).
No tools required!
Connecting directly to your vehicle’s OBD2 system via the Data Link Connector (DLC) located under your dash, this device is easy to install and capable of monitoring engine performance & fuel economy.
Scan Tool:
Troubleshoot engine fault codes on OBD2/EOBD compliant vehicles (most vehicles manufactured in AU & NZ since 2007).
Read & clear trouble codes
Easily determine the cause of the ‘Check Engine’/Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)
Turns off the ‘Check-Engine’ light & resets monitors
View freeze frame data to determine the cause of fault codes
Displays monitor and I/M readiness status
Retrieves vehicle information - VIN, CIN, CVN
Digital Gauges:
Measure & Monitor 4 different sets of real-time engine data simultaneously.
Fuel system status
Vehicle speed
Engine coolant temperature
Fuel rail pressure
Intake manifold absolute pressure
Engine RPM
Calculated engine load value
Ignition timing
Intake air pressure
Absolute throttle position
Battery voltage
Short-term fuel trim
Oxygen sensor output voltage
Airflow rate
Commanded secondary air status
Trip Computer:
Display useful information to help manage fuel consumption such as Kilometers per Liter (KPL), fuel range, trip time, etc.
Maximum speed
Average speed
Driving time
Driving distance
Fuel used
Trip fuel economy
Distance to empty
Time to empty
Fuel to empty
Engine power
Kit Includes:
• 4-Mode OBD2 Computer
• Velcro mounting strips
• OBD2 DLC connector cable
• USB cable
• User guide
Easily monitor engine performance & fuel economy
Save time & money with engine fault diagnosis
Trip Computer
Digital Gauges
Refer to manufacturer's warranty
Featuring 4 modes, Codebreaker 4-Mode ODB2 Computer allows you to further investigate the inner workings of your vehicle’s Engine Control Unit (ECU).
No tools required!
Connecting directly to your vehicle’s OBD2 system via the Data Link Connector (DLC) located under your dash, this device is easy to install and capable of monitoring engine performance & fuel economy.
Scan Tool:
Troubleshoot engine fault codes on OBD2/EOBD compliant vehicles (most vehicles manufactured in AU & NZ since 2007).
Read & clear trouble codes
Easily determine the cause of the ‘Check Engine’/Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)
Turns off the ‘Check-Engine’ light & resets monitors
View freeze frame data to determine the cause of fault codes
Displays monitor and I/M readiness status
Retrieves vehicle information - VIN, CIN, CVN
Digital Gauges:
Measure & Monitor 4 different sets of real-time engine data simultaneously.
Fuel system status
Vehicle speed
Engine coolant temperature
Fuel rail pressure
Intake manifold absolute pressure
Engine RPM
Calculated engine load value
Ignition timing
Intake air pressure
Absolute throttle position
Battery voltage
Short-term fuel trim
Oxygen sensor output voltage
Airflow rate
Commanded secondary air status
Trip Computer:
Display useful information to help manage fuel consumption such as Kilometers per Liter (KPL), fuel range, trip time, etc.
Maximum speed
Average speed
Driving time
Driving distance
Fuel used
Trip fuel economy
Distance to empty
Time to empty
Fuel to empty
Engine power
Kit Includes:
• 4-Mode OBD2 Computer
• Velcro mounting strips
• OBD2 DLC connector cable
• USB cable
• User guide
Easily monitor engine performance & fuel economy
Save time & money with engine fault diagnosis
Trip Computer
Digital Gauges
Refer to manufacturer's warranty